‘Aroro ni yin, aunty’

Grace Fadeyi
2 min readNov 26, 2023


‘Aroro ni yin, aunty’, the meat seller said as he packed the bits of meat into a nylon.

And I agree. Or maybe that was rich coming from him. You see, I had been craving homemade stew but had been too lazy to go to the market and cook. After a burst of inspiration on a very regular Thursday, I finished my online evening review and headed off to the market.

We have meat sellers around my house, but they are neighborhood sellers and I has noticed their products were a bit expensive. Now you might be thinking, isn’t it better to buy from the neighborhood and save cost of logistics? Nope! I don’t like what I don’t like. And those sellers will see you finish 🤧.

I digress! Walking down, I see this meat seller with no one around his display and his meat looked yummy. Yes, yummy! Okay, okay, fleshy 😏.

Pointing to the fleshy one right in front of me, I ask ‘Elo ni?’ . Now it gets interesting, he picks up my ‘yummy’ meat, and puts it aside taking another slab from beaneath. Hello! Me that I picked meat, I’m blind abi? ‘Oga no, this one’, I pointed again to my meat. Baba wan dey play, ‘this one with this abi?’ He says adding another slab of meat to the one I picked out. You see at this point I was wishing I had an oraimo cord. Don’t ask me what for 😤.

He finally replies seeing my frown and says #2,500. I countered immediately #1,000. Ah Grace! The amount had rushed out of my mouth and I was going to stick to it. At that point, I honestly was expecting he would say ‘ko gba’. He looked at me. I looked at him. He looked at me again. Finally he laughs and says #2000. I replied no and tried walking away. Allow me to digress once again. You see the ‘walking away move’ from a trader and their wares can go two ways; positively, they call you back and try to negotiate the price, negatively, they let you go and sprinkle some insult. Unfortunately, if you walk away and after going around, you discover they have the best price, your ego will take a bruising.

Okay, back to the gist! I go on, ready to search for my 1k juicy meat and he calls me back ‘Aunty, e fi #200 le’. At this point, I could have gone back, because that was a steal! A very good deal, you would think. But did Grace budge, no! Agidi yii, naa ni.

I moved on looking for #1,000 juicy meat 😂. Well, you can guess what happens next. Every other option didn’t compare. What then did I do? I swallowed my pride, went back and bought my now #1,200 juicy meat.

And yes, it is juicy, fleshy and yummy! As ipanu 😆

